JA Marketing Principles 1, part of the JA High School Experience courses, is a one-semester, teacher-led course that introduces high school students to marketing and some basic marketing techniques. Volunteers engage with students through a variety of activities that may include subject-matter guest speaking, coaching, or advising for case study and project coursework.

Following completion of this course, students will be able to:

— Learn the necessary concepts applicable to state and national educational standards.
— Apply these standards-based concepts to the real world.
— Synthesize elective concepts through cumulative, tangible deliverables (projects).
— Analyze a business situation or principle through the use of a case study.
— Demonstrate the skills necessary for future career pathway success.

JA Marketing Principles 1 is part of the JA Work and Career Readiness Pathway. The course is a blended model that includes teacher-led content, volunteer-led opportunities, and self-guided content to support flexible implementation options. JA Marketing Principles 1 is available in classroom-based or remote live implementation.


Brand loyalty, Business ethics, Buying decision process, Changing prices, Class action, Competition, Competitive analysis, Consumer information searches, Culture, Cultural differences, Data mining, Ethics, E-commerce, Flowcharts, Global marketing, Global marketing strategies, Level of involvement, Level of risk, Life of a product, Manufacturing capacity, Market segments, Marketing accuracy, Marketing adaptation, Marketing and distribution channels, Marketing around the world, Marketing careers, Marketing messages, Marketing mix, Marketing position, Meaningless messages, Misleading messages, Media choices, Motivation, MSRP, Online information, Personas, Personally identifiable information, Planned obsolescence, Positioning, Price, Price range, Price war, Primary research, Primary sales, Privacy policies, Product adaptation, Product categories, Product development, Product placement, Promotion, Promotional activities, Purchase decisions, Purchase related research, Questionable claims, Reevaluate data, Seal of approval, Secondary research, Segmentation, Seven marketing functions, Slogan, Sociocultural factors, Sponsored content, Stakeholder, Stakeholder engagement, Technology and global marketing, The 4 Ps, Tools in international markets, Types of market segmentation, Value proposition, What is marketing


  • Analyze and evaluate information
  • Analyze and apply information to real world situations
  • Compare and contrast
  • Create and give a presentation
  • Define a problem
  • Use data to inform and make decisions
  • Participate in a discussion
  • Propose a solution
  • Research information
  • Role play a real world situation
  • Self evaluate
  • Think creatively and critically
  • Work with peers


What makes JA programs so impactful for our students? They are taught by volunteer mentors from local businesses in the community. People just like YOU! It takes more than 9,500 volunteer mentors to teach our 170,000+ Arizona students each year.


Invest in today’s students and help them realize the boundless potential for their futures. We can’t do it without you!

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