Feb. 27 – Skyline Gila River
STEM SUMMIT – SKYLINE GILA RIVER Participate in hand-on activities with middle school students to teach them various STEM concepts…
JA Inspire
JA Inspire is the premier career exploration and readiness program in Arizona that allows learners, middle school to age 25, to explore the careers of the future and equip them with critical career readiness skills, ultimately preparing them for success.
JA Money in Motion
Junior Achievement of Arizona is partnering with rural schools throughout Arizona to provide our new program, JA Money in Motion, at no cost to your school.
JA BizTown Adventures
In this self-guided virtual simulation, students gain an understanding of various aspects of running a business as they take on the roles of CEO, CFO, marketing director, sales manager, and consumer via five online adventures.
JA It’s My Job (Soft Skills)
JA It’s My Job (Soft Skills) helps students understand the value of professional communication and soft skills, making them more employable to future employers across multiple career clusters.
JA It’s My Future!
JA It’s My Future offers practical information about preparing for the working world. Students explore potential careers, discover the four factors to consider in choosing a career, and recognize basic job-hunting tools.
JA Economics for Success
A Economics for Success provides practical information about personal finance and the importance of identifying education and career goals based on a student’s skills, interests, and values. JA Economics for Success consists of six 45-minute lessons.
JA STEM Summit
The JA STEM Summit gives middle and high school students an opportunity to see the application of science, technology, engineering, and math in the real world.
JA Finance Park Virtual
JA Finance Park Virtual introduces students to personal financial planning and career exploration. This program first provides a series of lessons in the classroom to middle school students where they learn about all aspects of personal finance. They can then apply these skills on a guided virtual platform!
JA Money in Motion Lite
JA Money in Motion Lite offers both an on-site event activity and an online interactive activity that allows students to plan for tomorrow by practicing how they will spend their future income.
Career Speaker Series
In JA Career Speaker Series, a volunteer guest speaker visits the classroom and shares information about his or her career, work, and education experience.
JA Finance Park
Our JA Finance Park® program invests in youth now so they can navigate the financial waters in the future. An experiential, real-life simulation, JA Finance Park first provides a series of lessons in the classroom to middle school students where they learn about all aspects of personal finance including learning about balancing a family budget, interest rates, how education affects their earning potential, and how saving today can affect their future.